Joyland Roofing
Joyland Roofing and Exteriors President Kevin O’Connell talks about what a pipe boot is and the basic function of one on the roof. and what I’m holding here is pipe flashing otherwise called a pipe boot uh and what this does is most homes pretty much all homes have vent pipes coming out of their roof typically they’re for venting your bathroom or kitchen. It also is sometimes used as a radon vent pipe that’s venting your basement and what happens is this boot kind of slides down over that pipe. You see it coming up through here and seals that off and then what we’ll do is we’ll put shingles around here that would cover up all of this and pretty much the only thing exposed would be this part here this part here is made out of silicone so the sun isn’t going to degrade it and it’ll last for a very long time pipe fits come in all different shapes sizes and colors uh and quality levels what I’m holding here is called the Ultimate Pipe Flashing by Lifetime Tool® & Building Products. This comes with a 50-year guarantee to match most roof warranties. A lot of issues that happen around pipe flashings is with this part here that seals against the pipe. With this one, and this compression fitting, it will always stay sealed.
Joyland Roofing, Elizabethtown, PA